Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy veterans day - pictures


Happy Veterans Day! Army • Navy • Marines • Air Force • Coast Guard
The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery . The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 am with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a ... read more

Happy Veteran's/Polish Independence Day
Today is Veterans Day in the United States, and Independence Day in Poland, two events linked by much history. It is also Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day in Europe and the British Commonwealth. For me the meaning of November 11, is defined by the 13 ... read more

Happy Veterans Day
We would like to take the time today to say "thanks" to all of our veterans. Not just to our World War II vets whom we lose every day, but to our Korean vets, Vietnam vets, Persian Gulf war vets, and vets from Iraq and Afghanistan. ... read more


Happy Veterans Day 002
Happy Veterans Day!
Happy Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day 2009
Happy Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day Quotes:
Happy Veterans Day!

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