Saturday, November 12, 2011

Whitney duncan - news and pictures


Survivor's Whitney Duncan's Secret Marriage Revealed
Whitney Duncan's Survivor: South Pacific bio says she is 27, resides in Nashville and is a country music singer. Check, check, and check. Asked to describe herself in three words, she lists: Outgoing, happy and honest. Check, check and ... not so much. ... read more

'Survivor: South Pacific' Recap: Whitney Duncan Bares Her Teeth
Tensions are rising on 'Survivor: South Pacific,' and each week, we've recapped how country singer Whitney Duncan has effectively flown under the radar as the drama unfolds in front of her face. Well, on last night's 'Cut Throat' episode, Duncan bared ... read more

'Survivor: South Pacific' Recap: Tribes to Merge, Whitney Duncan Still Standing
As for country cutie Whitney Duncan, she was again a mere peripheral part of the action. On tonight's episode, the merge of the two tribes was imminent. Savaii sat around the campfire, drinking out of coconuts. Duncan was there, listening intently but ... read more


Whitney Duncan at the 2010 CMA
Whitney Duncan�UH YUMP!
Whitney Duncan � Free
Whitney Duncan-photo
Whitney Duncan - Selections
Whitney Duncan Releases Debut
Whitney Duncan
Whitney Duncan�UH YUMP!
Whitney Duncan Pictures
Whitney Duncan announced via

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