Monday, November 21, 2011

Polio - pictures


Pakistan crosses last year's polio count
The confirmation of a type-1 polio case from Mastung — a newly infected district in Balochistan — and two type-3 cases from North Waziristan and Khyber Agency during last week has taken Pakistan's total polio count for 2011 to 148 (146 type-1 and 2 ... read more

POLIO: The dark days of 1953
By Norm, Sunday at 12:50 pm Chicagoans and most people around the world no longer have to worry or fear the dreaded scourge of the 20th century disease, POLIO. The most famous person in The United States that had polio was our 32nd President Franklin ... read more

'Boardwalk Empire' recap: ' I don't like secrets'
(****) Poliomyelitis often called polio or infantile paralysis is an acute viral infectious disease spread from person to person, primarily via the fecal-oral route. While 90 percent of polio infections cause no symptoms, affected individuals can ... read more


A man with an atrophied right
[32] Spinal polio is rarely
Types of Polio
National Polio Surveillance
After polio, a new condition
About Polio Virus
Polio can be defined as a
Officially, the polio vaccine
Tagged with: Polio Polio
The Life Cycle of Polio

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