Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Occupy los angeles - news and photos


Police in Los Angeles and Philadelphia Clear Occupy Encampments
By JENNIFER MEDINA and BRIAN STELTER LOS ANGELESLos Angeles police officers, scores of them in riot gear, began to dismantle an Occupy encampment at around 12:30 am on Wednesday, after allowing hundreds of protesters to camp in front of City Hall ... read more

Police clear Occupy camps in Los Angeles, Philly
By the CNN Wire Staff Los Angeles (CNN) -- Police in Los Angeles and Philadelphia dismantled tents and arrested Occupy protesters who refused to leave city areas early Wednesday. Los Angeles police moved in at 12:30 am Wednesday (3:30 am ET). ... read more

Police Reattempting Raid On Occupy Los Angeles
Occupy is to me the fundamental realization of 'space'. It answers the question of 'where'. This question is very key, but is often ignored. If we do not have any space in which we can be, the questions of what and how and why are irrelevant. ... read more


Los Angeles Support of Occupy
of Los Angeles City Hall.
Occupy Los Angeles plans a
Occupy Los Angeles protesters
Occupy Los Angeles
Occupy Los Angeles
Occupy Los Angeles before the
Occupy Los Angeles protestors
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio
Occupy Los Angeles protests

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