Tuesday, October 25, 2011

S.978 - news and photos


Internet Censorship: S.978 Could Put Bieber in Jail
If there's one bill in Congress that pits people of all political stripes against big corporations and the politicians they fund, S.978 is it. The word around the campfire is that the bill is set to be introduced in The House of Representatives this ... read more

Free Bieber campaign aims to stop S.978's violent clampdown on online copyright
You can read bill S.978 here. Justin Bieber shot to fame by performing various famous songs on YouTube. If S.978 comes into law in the United States, such actions would be illegal. And while it's Bieber fans who are leading the charge against S.978, ... read more

Why Justin Bieber Won't Go To Jail For Posting Songs On YouTube (Analysis)
Congress is currently weighing new legislation (S. 978) that would make unauthorized web streaming of copyrighted work a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. The bill, supported by many in the entertainment industry, was introduced last May ... read more


S. 978 passes Senate Judiciary
More from ~jarredspekter
Bill S.978 by ~FatxandxProud
If bill S.978 passes,
The Senate is debating S. 978,
Bill s.978.
Demotivational: Bill S.978 by
Tweet. Based on what the

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