Friday, October 21, 2011

Loma prieta - pictures


The Loma Prieta Earthquake Was 22 Years Ago, Today
The World Series Quake or Loma Prieta as it's formally called, occurred 22 years ago today. Those present say shaking from the quake lasted between 10-15 seconds. It interrupted the first game of the World Series (participants: The SF ... read more

Loma Prieta: "Fly By Night"
Recent Deathwish Inc. signing Loma Prieta have released the first song from their forthcoming debut for the label, IV. The Bay Area hardcore band released four 12-inch records and two 7-inch records mostly on their own label, Discos Huelga including ... read more

San Francisco earthquake: second quake hits almost exactly 22 years after ...
Both quakes occured almost 22 year to the day after the deadly Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989. By TERRY COLLINS, Associated Press / October 21, 2011 San Francisco earthquake: A reader board announces that trains will be halted for one minute at the ... read more


Loma Prieta, California,
Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989
the Loma Prieta mainshock
of Loma Prieta Mountains,
for the Loma Prieta region
(Loma Prieta), California

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