Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Denver weather - news and photos


Plows on standby for metro Denver snowstorm overnight, Wednesday
By this morning's rush hour, Denver was expected to have received 5 to 9 inches. Another 3 to 7 inches is possible during the day today, according to the latest National Weather Service forecast for the Front Range's first snowstorm of the season. ... read more

Next Generation Weather Satellite To Launch Friday
DENVER -- Ball Aerospace in Boulder will launch its $1.5 billion project on Friday from Vandenburg Air Force Base in California. The next-generation weather satellite will then begin its five-year journey observing Earth from space. ... read more

Jackets, Sprinkles & Isolated Flakes (Denver snow-blitz, Rina threatens Florida)
More information from the Denver National Weather Service here. Rina: Heading For South Florida? It's still early and uncertainty is significant, but a number of computer solutions bring a weakened Hurricane (or Tropical Storm) Rina into the Gulf of ... read more


Denver Weather Winter Storm
Denver Climate
Denver Weather
Denver Weather Yesterday it
over downtown Denver.
Weather Report for Denver
Denver weather isnt what most
accurate to compare weather
#14: Stupid Denver Weather
Images: Viewers July Weather

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